I want the game to have 5 levels, each level will be based on one of the five boys from the band, Niall, Harry, Liam, Louis and Zayn.
I want the levels to have questions about each one of the boys, but Inorder to select an answer to the question, I want the consumer to have to move the character (which would be one of the boys) to the answer.
For example look at the image above.
Another Idea I had was something similar to just dance. Its when the console tells the user to press a specific button (left arrow, up arrow, down arrow or right arrow) and then the sprite will change costume to follow the buttons direction and start to dance.
So far I have been investigating with rough sprites to see how I need the scripts to be for the game to work. I have found out how my arrow sprite appears onto the screen for a specific time limit and with a red dot (as an example) for the arrows to break and so the costumer will know if the, for example, down arrow is shown twice.
Also now I am trying to find out how the score will change when the correct button is pressed, so if the arrow is indactating the user to press the down arrow and the user pressed the up arrow no point will be given, but if the user presses the down arrow a point will be give. So now im trying to figure out how to do this.