Wednesday, 17 October 2012

“Computers never do what you want them to do,

“Computers never do what you want them to do,

they only do what you tell them to!”

Using the web, find definitions for the following terms and post them on your blog. Make sure the definitions relate to computers and programming
1.       Algorithms
Its is a step by step instruction Manuel that you tell the computer to write a computer program. The computer will follow each step Manuel to achieve the goal. Can be used in computer programming.

2.       Pseudocode
Pseudo means ‘like’ something, not the real thing but similar to it. Tools used by programs to describe an algorithm. It contains standard words but it is not code or understand by a computer.  for example. Begin, end etc.

3.       Machine Language
Is code for an algorithm written in a low level language that only the computer understands. Eg: doesn’t have English words in it.

4.       High Level Computer Language
A high level computer language contain regular words like : if, then etc.

5.       Flowchart
Is another way of writing an algorithm though using a diagram. It uses a standard symbol. EG: a diamond

6.       Sequence
The order in which steps are carried out.

7.       Selection
Selection in an algorithm is when you have to make a choice and is between two items. Most selections are set up to ask a yes no question.

8.       Repetition
Having to repeat a step again and again until a goal is achived or a condition is met. Eg, walking, lift your right leg, move it forward
Then with the aid of class discussions, write an algorithm for the following processes;

1.       opening a door and entering a room.

2.       Negotiating traffic lights as you drive down a street.

·         Is the light green?

·         If yes, continue driving.

·          If not, is the light red?

·         If yes, stop.

·         If not then slow down.

In your algorithm write each step of the process on a new line. Remember not to assume the computer knows anything.


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