Thursday 6 September 2012

What Was Done For the Assignment

For this assignment we have recieved we must create 3 different websites that include artworks which have  been made by the year 10 art class.
My partner which I am currently working with for this particular assignment is Adriana.

What we have done to complete this assignment:
Janet (me): I have created each different site for the students artworks and have named them/created a URL for them.
Title of the sites: Celine's creation             URL:

                          :  Doris' creation                       :

                          : Taylor's creation                     :
For two three sites I had chosen the background image in which would be on the site. 
Once the website was complete with the final editing I had done, I registered the site onto the school website so my teacher can access the website too with the URL. 

Adriana: She has added all the pictures needed for the site, the pictures are of the artoworks the year 10 students have created. Adriana has also linked the pictures so when you click on the image it opens in a new page and the image becomes larger.
Adriana also had helped me place the background image onto the website.