Thursday, 26 April 2012

Portable Apps

Portable Apps

1.       a) What is a portable application
A portable application is a computer program that is usfull as you can carry it around on a portable device and use on any Windows computer.
 b) The advantages of portable applications
There is no sepcial hardware needed, it can be used on any USB flash drive, prtable hard drive or even an iPod,MP3. There is no additional software needed, you only need to download the program, run the portable installer and go.
c) The types of software available as portable applications.
Browsers, games, graphics, pictures, music, video, office, security etc.

Tuesday, 3 April 2012

Careers in Digital Graphics

Web Developer

  1. What does the person in the career do?
The person develops applications specifically made for the world wide web. The applications made generally use a server and a client.

  1. Where would you see this person’s work (e.g. in the newspaper, in a game shop)?
They can work at home on their computer, anywhere there is access to internet and access to the computer programs needed for their job.

  1. What training is needed for the career?
They need to have formal education and training. BSCS is a common  position needed to become a Web Developer, also trainning in specific languages is very common. A great way to start Web Development is to have internships and contract positions also developing small components or pieces of web applications.
         4. What kind of software and hardware is used?
    html editors, graphic softwares, flash, flash animation software.

    Video game development
    1. What does the person in the career do?
    Creates video games by using skills to create the best game you can, under given circumstances. It should be targeted for the platform, genre and the audience.

    2. Where would you see this person’s work (e.g. in the newspaper, in a game shop)?
    This person can either work at home or in an office/ company. They can work as a single person or a large business.